Category: Agriculture


African fruit exporters have stepped in to fill the gap created by declining production in some parts of Europe and growing demand for oranges, lemons, watermelons and strawberries in the EU, UK, and Asia.

Venture capital in Africa is being boosted by investments in companies connecting farmers and food producers to retailers (known as “midstream technologies”) according to an investment report that shows  African agrifood tech startups raised US$ 1.1 billion in five years.

For the past years, Zimbabwe did not have any immunisation methods to combat the disease.  Immunisation with vaccines against theileriosis is an important part of an integrated tick and tick disease control strategy (ITTBDCS). Other components of the strategy include embedding and monitoring insecticide resistance.

At the training, Opha harvested practical skills that served as an eye-opener as she went on to realize that one could succeed in commercial livestock farming using both natural and artificial feeds. Opha took her first step after the training by participating in the goat breeding scheme where she received James, the Boer goat. She …